Slidge - XMPP gateways - 2025-02-20

  1. nicoco

    singpolyma, erm yeah matridge does not have "contacts" 😬

  2. nicoco

    singpolyma, I sent you an log as a MUC whisper here

  3. nicoco

    slidge sends: ```xml <field var="contacts" label="Contacts to add to the new group" type="list-multi"> <option label="xxx"> <value></value> </option> ```

  4. nicoco

    slidge sends: ```xml <field var="contacts" label="Contacts to add to the new group" type="list-multi"> <option label="xxx"> <value></value> </option> <!--other options --> <value /> <!-- no preselected value, maybe that's what's bad? --> </field> ```

  5. nicoco

    and cheogram replies with that empty `<value />` on top of the `option`s the user picked

  6. nicoco

    > it technically possible to show added or modified contact in telegram WhatsApp and discord sync contacts by the username ? For the moment only a number is given how many contacts have been added removed or modified no. that would probably be noisy but it does sound relatively easy to implement, open a feature request and we can discuss it there

  7. c3p0

    nicoco pushed 10 commit(s) to slidge - chore(deps): prevent implicit major version bumps (nicoco) - chore(deps): remove pickle-secure (nicoco) - refactor: cleanup deprecated "pickle-secure" feature (nicoco) - refactor(xep): remove XEP-0356 < 0.4 support (nicoco) - imprv(adhoc): return 'forbidden' instead of empty adhoc command list (nicoco)

  8. mathieui

    nicoco: it's too early to code, go back to sleep!

  9. nicoco

    but you're up!

  10. nicoco

    try being 40 and having your brain decide "yup it's 5, no more sleeping for you now"

  11. mathieui

    Had a train to go to work at 6:45 anyway

  12. nicoco

    ughhh work, yuk

  13. mathieui

    Can't argue with that

  14. nicoco

    there's also this "having kids" thing and thinking in bed "well I can probably code a little if I get up before them" ^^

    💪 1
  15. nicoco

    there's also this "having kids" thing and thinking in bed "well I can probably code a little today if I get up before them" ^^

    😁 1
  16. ThUnD3r|Gr33n

    👍 1
  17. ThUnD3r|Gr33n

    Here you go nicoco

  18. ThUnD3r|Gr33n

    Deadline : 24 hours

  19. ThUnD3r|Gr33n


  20. nicoco

    Sure thing, you a slidge premium subscriber after all!

  21. ThUnD3r|Gr33n

    Fait enough

  22. ThUnD3r|Gr33n

    I see some nice issues ... Waiting for it 🤞😎

  23. singpolyma

    nicoco: ok, so I agree this is a bug in cheogram android and am working on a fix, but also I think including a value that isn't part of your options is highly unusual vs just including no value

  24. singpolyma should fix it

  25. deuill

    Whelp, I just got added to a WhatsApp Community, I guess I really need to implement support now

  26. deuill

    Likely will need to mark certain groups as belonging to a Community so that they're not returned alongside other groups -- wondering how easy it will be to persist this info in the DB

  27. raver

    > there's also this "having kids" thing and thinking in bed "well I can probably code a little today if I get up before them" ^^ 😁

  28. nicoco

    deuill: either implement or change friends, your call

  29. deuill

    > assuming I have friends

  30. nicoco

    singpolyma, this is probablmaybe slixmpp's default behaviour

  31. nicoco

    > > assuming I have friends I have seen your übersocialite game my friend. Don't pretend!

  32. deuill

    nicoco, do we have an example of a `Group` (or similar) sub-class defining additional data to be stored in DB?

  33. deuill

    I seem to remember you had a JSON blob/key-value field defined in the schema

  34. deuill

    Hmmm the `extra_attributes` stuff, if I understand correctly.

  35. deuill

    Oh hmmm seems like this might be the thing:

  36. nicoco

    yes this is it. why do you not want them to be among other groups?

  37. nicoco

    you can add_to_bookmarks(autojoin=False)

  38. nicoco

    and maybe set MucType.CHANNEL?

  39. deuill

    Communities are processed as "special" WhatsApp groups, with sub-groups (a General one and an Announcements one, by default); sending a message to the Community "group" returns a 401, so these should never be added to bookmarks. Similarly, Announcement groups should have the Community name as a prefix, but don't by default.

  40. deuill

    So I want to keep track of Communities separately and potentially automatically prepend the Community name for some groups.

  41. deuill

    AFAICT Communities are like Discord Servers, only they exist within the present ontology in weird ways.

  42. Peter

    Dunno if that's a good description, they lack voice channels afaik.

  43. nicoco

    I'm almost sleeping so maybe what I'm about to say is nonsense but I don't see why bookmarks and not sending messages in it are related?

  44. nicoco

    To bridge the "not having voice" part, you want to do `(await muc.get_user_participant().role = "visitor")`, example

  45. Peter

    Maybe the user might not know that they're not supposed to send a message there so they do it anyway and then Slidge might want to suck it up and tell them that they suck instead of trying to deliver it and making you look sus to the WhatsApp servers.

  46. nicoco

    hmmm maybe Peter, but re-reading what deuill wrote I actually think the community itself is useless and the "announcement" group is a different group anyway

  47. nicoco

    deuill: we need some thing in slidge core for "discord servers", "mattermost teams", "whatsapp communities", and "matrix something (forgot their terminology)"

  48. Peter

    Ah yeah Slidge was creating some big fat groups with LIDs inside which you couldn't join without your client crashing as they had like 200000 members in the muc.

  49. nicoco

    also llarma told me that we should do something to expose these "spaces" and spec it, it won't cover the ultimate "spaces XEP" that everyone wants but no one writes, but it would be a start…

  50. Peter

    The AI?

  51. nicoco

    no, the dino dev

  52. nicoco


  53. Peter

    Okay sorry.

  54. nicoco

    single L I guess

  55. nicoco

    I should sleep now, mixing larma with llama, not good ^^

  56. Peter

    Sleep well and have nice dreams!

  57. Kris

    yeah, the spaces space in XMPP is sadly a bit short on people actually proposing something concrete

  58. Peter considers asking Digga about it.